Property Address
Owner Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Lot Number
Please acknowledge the Basic Swimming Pool Requirements (Recorded Covenants, 15 Jan. 2004, Johnston County Deed book 2619:754, Registrar’s Ofice, Smithfield, NC)
■ Pool contractor will be responsible for all accidents, etc., while pool is under construction.
■ Safety fencing must be installed around construction site before any work begins. This fencing must remain up for the entire duration of pool installation until permanent fencing is installed.
■ Warning and no trespassing signs must be placed around entire project and remain displayed throughout the duration of the project.
■ All pools will be in-ground permanent pools of concrete or liner.
■ All pools must have a four-foot min. concrete or tile apron surrounding entire perimeter of pool.
■ Pools must have a permanent vinyl privacy fence and/or safety fencing as required by building code. Minimum fence height is four feet. Plans for fencing must be approved in advance by the ARC.
■ Retaining walls will be brick or stone. All details for retaining walls must be approved in advance by the ARC.
■ Any structure built to contain pool filter and pump equipment must be constructed of brick.
■ Any accessory building, bath house, etc., must be constructed of brick.
■ All excess soil from pool and pool site must be removed from site or graded on site if needed at the discretion of lot owner and ARC.
■ Landscaping must be installed as soon as pool is finished. Landscaping includes leveling, raking, and sowing grass on all disturbed soil.
■ All work must pass Architectural Review Committee, county and state inspections.
■ No work shall begin until the ARC has issued an approval letter.
I Acknowledged and Will Comply with all Basic Swimming Pool Requirements
Please Allow 7-10 days for Architectural Review to be Completed
Attach Copy of Plans
Attach Evidence of Swimming Pool Contractor’s Liability and Workment’s Compensation Insurance
Attach Copy of Building Permit Application
Attach Additional Supporting File #1
Attach Additional Supporting File #2
© North Fort HOA